Ocean Terrace Holdings Helps Launch Senior Meal Program at UNIDAD

Scher Senior Meal

More than 100 seniors in North Beach will be able to enjoy a warm meal Monday through Friday thanks to the newly-established senior meals program at the UNIDAD Community Center. The program, which began Monday, April 2, is a much-needed service for North Beach residents where there is only one other center that offers this type of program for local seniors.

Scher Senior Meal

To help support UNIDAD’s efforts, Sandor Scher and Alex Blavatnik, developers of neighboring Ocean Terrace, and Silvia Coltrane of Real Estate Transactions Inc. each donated $20,000 to support the program’s initial year. Earlier this year, the City of Miami Beach Commission approved more than $190,000 in seed funding for the first year of the program, allowing UNIDAD time to request State funds to continue to offer meals in the future.

Lunch will be served to seniors at noon on weekdays.

For more information on the meal program and UNIDAD visit http://www.unidadmb.org/.


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